A Gift From a Rose

I use the energy of flowers, or rather the energy of flowers flows through me into my healings for animals and people. Flowers give me messages too, either as part of the healing or just a message on its own. I love working with the flowers as they are so gentle but so transformational.
Roses bring many different things to a healing, they are diverse with their gifts because of their colours and habits and types of hips, etc, but they all carry a very high vibration which can raise us up so that we can accomplish a lot more than they actually come to help us with.
I took some time out today for me – most unusual – and this was one of the roses still flowering in the little garden I visited. I felt I received a benediction from her for doing something for me and doing something I love. From her heart to mine.
She brings an openness to taking care of yourself, an awareness and support for doing something for you, whether that is time out or improving your diet or anything else you can do for the good of you. Self-love and self-care is an oft repeated message with the flowers (roses in particular) but it is very important and it is not often that a lot of us act on this essential act.
What have you done today for you? What have you planned for you tomorrow?