Make the Memories-to-Treasure TODAY.

A month ago I did a photo session with a gorgeous Spaniel, his lovely person was so excited to learn that I am a pet photographer and she booked me for just after he was due to be groomed. She had been wanting to get some really good images of him. The session went really well and he was bouncing and running around, very happy. We got some great images and she was delighted with them. A week later he passed peacefully in his sleep, it was his time it seemed, although he had not been ill..
I am so relieved we managed to get the photo session done in time and that this lovely lady has images of her special boy that she can treasure for always.
We don’t always know when it will be too late, when our precious companions will pass on. I think I have mentioned before in my Grief Blog how I regret not having special images of my previous dogs and horses and am so grateful and glad that I can do my present and recent dogs justice in the images I take of them. If you are thinking of having some professional images of your animals, don’t delay. This also applies to other things in life, don’t put off those things you really want to do because tomorrow may never come. That trip you want to take, the experience, contacting someone you haven’t contacted in a while, telling someone you love them…
Make the memories-to-treasure TODAY.
I feel lucky and grateful to have been able to help the Spaniel’s lady by creating the images of him, by capturing his essence and who he was, for her to have with her for always, to remember exactly how he looked, how he ran, their bond together as he looks up at her. She is very grateful and comforted by these images I took. I feel this is a gift I can do for you, that you can have prints or wall art or albums to look at and be with, to help fill the massive holes in your hearts when your companion has passed. It can be a way for you also to connect with the animal and bring them closer to you, which is some comfort.
Thinking of being without our animals is not easy, but it can happen to young animals as well as older ones. A friend lost one of her dogs last year, he was 3 years old. One of my dogs has physical issues and now has rheumatoid arthritis and does not always have a ‘happy’ face (understandably) but this week I have been able to take her into the field next to my home, which has just been harvested and it is a bit easier for her to amble along the tramlines. Going for walks is her main joy in life and this has been extra hard on her not being able to walk much. So in the field she has been happy and enthusiastic and I managed to get some images of her looking ‘happy’, and these I shall always treasure.
If you are near Tenbury Wells, in Shropshire, Worcestershire or Herefordshire and would like to book me or find out more about my pet photography please Contact Me here or see my website here.
Having said all this, I wish you and your animal companions very long and very healthy and full, rich lives.
With love,
Victoria Ann