Flower & Tree Healing Energy for You and Your Animals

I am very connected with flowers and trees, as I am with animals, and I listen to their messages and feel their energy. I use flower and tree energies in my healings for animals and people when asked to do them. I have had a lifelong learning from the flowers and trees themselves and trained as a Flower Power Healing Practitioner four years ago.
Just because autumn is here it does not mean no more flowers, I have quite a few flowering in my garden and the tree energy at this colourful time of year is very helpful. Gold is a very powerful energetic healer. Below are some of the help they bring us energetically. To receive this energy you can be with the flowers and trees themselves or take it from the images here. If you want your animals to benefit from the flower and tree energy you can connect with them via your hearts and imagine the flowers and trees with them and intend that they receive the healing benefits.
Please note this information is regarding the energetic use of the flowers only, not the physical use – please do not take these flowers and tree parts internally.

Let the Beech tree help you look for and find beauty wherever you are, let it help you change perspective to raise you up with the help of noticing beauty and of being grateful for all that you have. Turn any worry you have into something beautiful, something filled with peace. Let the Beech tree bring you into the present moment where you have no regrets for the past and no worries and stresses for the future. You have now, this moment now, this one moment where you are breathing, alive and in control. This pause allows you to grow again, to smile, to relax. Let the Beech tree bring you here often.

The White Japanese Anemone brings clearing and cleansing, releasing toxicity. She releases old and stagnant energy, replacing it with pure vitality allowing a fresh start from a good beginning. She opens your chest and shoulders to breathe and free your heart from constriction, release grief from your lungs and take the pressure off your solar plexus. She brings gentle strength to keep going. She brings fresh ideas for moving forward. She can help you to let go of unwanted behaviours, addictions, thoughts, relationships, situations and unwanted burdens – soothing you and gently clearing through the aura leaving it (and you) cleaner, lighter, more free to be yourself – gently releasing what you do not want or need and changing this to peace inside you. The autumn is when the meridians of the Lung and Large Intestine are at their most effective and working with the White Japanese Anemone through these meridians is very powerful. Or just bring her energy in for her to help you and your animals in a more general way.

Oak (on the left) holds you in his strong embrace giving you a safe space to be where you can pause and rest before moving on to tackle difficult issues. He offers you nourishment and wisdom. Sit a while with him and open your mind and heart and wait for the answers to your questions to come in. Release your fear and anxiety to him and allow him to replace them with courage and calm.
Larch (on the right) tells us to be flexible and adaptable at this time of change, of release and not to forget that when we let something go we need to transform that energy into something positive as it is always our energy. Never leave a void or release bad/dark/negative/sad/fearful energy into the world. Bring it shining back to you, you are the creator of your energy, make it the best that you can.
“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”
~ Albert Camus
“If a year was tucked inside of a clock, then autumn would be the magic hour.”
~ Victoria Erickson
“Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the other seasons.”
~ Jim Bishop